In compliance with Article 17 of the Company’s Articles of Association, every year Iveco Group holds general meetings which are open to all shareholders as of the Record Date (28 days before the meeting), that duly comply with the registration requirements set forth in the notice of the meeting (the shareholders entitled to attend the general meetings: the “Shareholders”). In this section you will find information on how Shareholders can attend and vote, and additional relevant documentation.


Webcast for Shareholders and the Public
Those who wish to follow the AGM, which will be held on 17 April 2024 at 12:00 p.m.(noontime) CEST, will be able to do so via a link which will be published on this page shortly before the start of the AGM.


Attendance card

The attendance card entitles the Shareholders to attend the AGM in person or grant a power of attorney to a proxy other than the Company’s Agent (Computershare S.p.A.). It must be presented by participants at the entrance of the AGM.

The attendance card will be issued to:

  • the Shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account with a participant in the Monte Titoli system, and
  • the Shareholders who are registered in the Loyalty Register

who have timely requested the document to the intermediary or the Company’s Agent, respectively. In order to grant a proxy, the Shareholders may either fill-in and sign the relevant section of the attendance card or issue a separate written power of attorney. For additional details, please make reference to the notice of the AGM. The Shareholders registered in the Loyalty Register are invited to follow the instructions they will receive from the Company’s Agent.

Attendance Card

Proxy form to be represented by the Company’s Agent

The proxy form is to be to used by the Shareholders who intend to grant a proxy with voting instructions to the Company’s Agent (Computershare S.p.A.). For additional details, please make reference to the notice of the AGM. The Shareholders registered in the Loyalty Register are invited to follow the instructions they will receive from the Company’s Agent.

Proxy form

Advance web voting

Starting from 21 March 2024 (the day after the Record Date), the Shareholders may log in to the secure website in order to cast directly their vote online. For additional details, please make reference to the notice of the AGM. The Shareholders registered in the Loyalty Register are invited to follow the instructions they will receive from the Company’s Agent (Computershare S.p.A.).


Starting from 20 March 2024 (the “Record Date”) and no later than 5:00 p.m. CEST on 10 April 2024 (the “Registration Date”), persons holding voting rights on shares entitled to attend the AGM can submit questions regarding the agenda items by email to, declaring the item(s) to which their questions refer. A copy of the statement by the relevant intermediary, that confirms their shareholding at the Record Date, shall be attached to the email.

The Company intends to address the questions during the AGM, to the extent appropriate and with a view to the orderly conduct of the meeting