Merger with and into Iveco Group N.V. of New Business Netherlands Holding B.V.
Iveco Group N.V. (IVG) announces the beginning of the merger procedure (pursuant to Sections 2:309 of the Dutch Civil Code) with and into IVG of its fully owned subsidiary New Business Netherlands Holding B.V., a private company with limited liability (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid), having its official seat in Andelst, the Netherlands, and its office address at Wanraaij 9, 6673DM Andelst, the Netherlands, and registered with the trade register of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under number 76507203.
According to applicable law, the merger documentation has been filed with and is available for inspection at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, as well as posted at the corporate website Subject to its creditors’ and shareholders’ rights, IVG – as absorbing company – intends to resolve upon the statutory merger by way of decision of the board of directors, instead of resolution by the general meeting. The completion of the merger is foreseen by the end of the year.