We stand together, always. We are Iveco Group.
Great things are being done by people at Iveco Group in support of gender equality, professional growth, and a more sustainable world for everyone. We conducted a series of interviews to get an inside look at what some of our colleagues have to say about opportunities for women.
Isabella has multiple agenesis of the upper limbs and in addition to her job, she is a wife, mother, and motivational speaker.
- What advice can you give to women who want to build a career?
Like all professionals, women need to be persistent, focused, and determined, but we need to double these qualities because the female world is complex. As well as thinking about work, we have to think about our homes, families, and children ‒ finding a way to juggle everything.
To build a career, we need an extra dose of courage, and we have to focus on the opportunities that help us learn and grow. Success is a consequence, our goals should be to learn, grow, and develop.
- Does Iveco Group offer opportunities for women?
Iveco Group offers opportunities for professionals regardless of their gender, social class, colour, or disability. We see what a person has to offer, their dedication and determination to do their job. We all have limitations, but what differentiates us is how we face daily challenges and our desire to make a difference in the corporate environment.
I identify strongly with our Brand’s mottos, because just like IVECO, as a woman, a professional, a speaker in my spare time, a mother, and a wife, I "do not stop" and just like our trucks, I have the power to do everything. I believe that most women are like that.
- Can you tell us a story about your personal experiences in the workplace?
I have many stories and have learnt a lot from everyone in the team during my time at Iveco Group.
I started on the HR team, managing services like restaurants and food baskets, where I learnt that keeping calm is essential for success, despite the challenges of everyday life. I have learnt that my opinion and ideas matter to the Company and can help improve performance in some areas.
In my current role as an assistant to the Manufacturing team, I have learnt to meditate, focus on what is essential, and be three times as organised when doing my job! These experiences are reflected in Isabella the employee, and Isabella the mother, wife, and housewife.
Regardless of which role I perform or which sector I work in, I know that I will always be valued and have the same importance in the Company, which always motivates me to do my best.
- Can women make the world a more sustainable place?
Making the world more sustainable is one of the biggest challenges of our times, and it is everyone's duty. Women have an essential role because we do lots at home and do a thousand things at once.
At work, we can analyse our current methods and think of more ecological and sustainable ways to do our jobs. In our private lives, we can use biodegradable products and ration water in the house, and as mothers, we can teach our children to adopt sustainable and healthy habits.
Mirna’s vast experience and multicultural background provide an interesting perspective on how women can build their careers and how gender equality is important for a more sustainable world.
- What advice can you give to women who want to build a career at Iveco Group?
I have been blessed to have the experience of living and working in a number of countries. I learned that the biggest driver for my development was the fact that I had a mentor or more to guide me. I suggest that women who want to build their career find a mentor who has experience and is ahead of you on their professional journey. This person will guide you through the tough times. A relationship with a mentor is a safe way to learn and get help, you mustn’t be shy about asking for support. This could be a mutual learning experience!
It is also important that each of us find a purpose, this is what will guide us through the tough times. We need to be brave and jump in the deep end, always aware of what our purpose is.
- Does Iveco Group offer opportunities for women?
I joined Iveco Group in November 2021 and everyone made me feel welcome from the beginning. I don’t feel like I am different because I am a woman, I know that my opinion matters and is listened to, and if I ask for something, my colleagues are more than happy to lend a helping hand.
Everyone in the Company is expected to be in the playing field, this is not gender based, it applies to men and women at all levels. Because of my job, I can support those around me to move barriers and help them find opportunities. I believe we need to be there for each other, even if the situation is not affecting us in the same way. Networking, including Women’s Networks, can be a valuable resource that gives people the chance to share experiences and get support for their professional journey.
- “Gender equality today for a more sustainable world”. Do women play a special role in making the world more sustainable?
A few years ago, I worked for a non-profit organisation that helped women find jobs and get proper training. We mentored women in developing countries who were trying to set up businesses. I felt the responsibility that comes with being a professional and the great satisfaction of contributing to their growth.
Many women hold jobs whilst they are raising their families, educating and helping the new generations to grow up. Sustainability is often top of mind for youth, and women have the opportunity to model sustainable behaviour at home and educate their children on the matter.
- What advice can you give to women who want to build a career at Iveco Group?
For women looking to advance their career, I suggest they seek out colleagues and women in senior roles as mentors. You need to believe in yourself and trust in your abilities, asking questions when you are unsure and keeping your eyes wide open for opportunities.
Today it is evident that young women are determined to succeed, which is encouraging, however I am also an advocate of mature women seeking to re-enter the workforce or looking at a midlife career path change. Mature women are frequently eager to learn and have developed life skills that add value. They are often level-headed and enthusiastic when given the opportunity to re-join the workforce, bringing a calming nature to the team and generally contributing as excellent team players.
- What can we do now to prepare the world for the next generation of women
The world needs to embrace the change that is coming with the next generation. The way we work is different now, thanks to technology and digitalisation, and it is less labour intensive in many areas. New technology and safety standards have given women opportunities in what were traditionally considered male roles, such as workshop mechanics and truck drivers just to name a few. It makes sense to create clear pathways for women and we need to be prepared to assist their growth on all levels. The new generations socialise and communicate differently due to their learning in a digital world, which means the older generations, such as mine, must learn to adapt and change our communication pathways by embracing these key differences and creating an inclusive environment.
At our site, I encourage face-to-face communication, two-way dialogue, and an open-door policy. It’s important that we embrace human communication at all levels. I also encourage team members to understand each and everyone’s role in our business and the challenges they face on a daily basis in their departments. Our youngest employees and our apprentices spend time in each department to learn areas of the business that are not specific to their chosen career path and to experience first-hand the contribution of everyone to the growth of the business.
Iveco Group embraces diversity and is creating a more adaptable work environment for men and women to get the job done while balancing their private lives. Finding more equity for all genders and offering the same tools, the same training, and fairer payrates so that everyone is poised for success regardless of sex, race, or religion is paramount to our success.
Sonya Dai, Country HR for Iveco Group in China, told us where she takes inspiration and how she has grown at Iveco Group.
Sonya Dai, Country HR for Iveco Group in China, told us where she takes inspiration and how she has grown at Iveco Group.
- What advice can you give to women who want to build a career?
Be proactive and be patient with yourself. Take your time. Live your values and define yourself from within, not by other people’s opinions. You will blossom at your own pace and speed, there are flowers for every season. It is the time you spend blossoming that makes you!
I also suggest that you be resilient, adjust, learn, and try new approaches step by step. It is good practice to think long-term and have the courage to say "no" in the face of distractions and temptations.
- Does Iveco Group offer opportunities for women
Iveco Group offers a lot of opportunities to grow professionally, it is a great Company which has inherited a rich culture. In the past 10 years, I have worked on a reorganisation, integrating joint ventures, merging brands, and recently on the spin-off from CNH Industrial.
Early in my career, I learnt that it is important to concentrate on what I can influence without wasting energy on what I cannot change. I try to focus my efforts on the circle of influence that I have some control over. This approach and the positive work environment at this organisation have helped me to grow throughout the years.
- Do women play a special role in sustainability in your opinion?
At work, I like to think we can make a difference. Some years ago, I wrote to the top management suggesting that we reduce the number of printed copies of our internal magazines and use environmentally friendly printing technologies. I received the following response: “With the environment in mind, we have over the last year progressively reduced both the number of issues and the total number of pages and, where possible, sought to print using sustainable inks and paper”. I am proud to work for a Company that listens to its employees and tries to make the world a better place.
We interviewed our colleague Lorena Eberhardt, who is the Environment Coordinator in Argentina, to learn more about developing a career at Iveco Group and the role women play in creating a more sustainable world.
We interviewed our colleague Lorena Eberhardt, who is the Environment Coordinator in Argentina, to learn more about developing a career at Iveco Group and the role women play in creating a more sustainable world.
- What advice can you give to young women who want to build a career?
My first piece of advice is that you should be passionate about the career you choose. In my experience, when you really enjoy your work, you constantly look for new projects and innovate, which leads to career development and keeps you motivated. A second tip is to be empathetic. When I first entered the workforce, I read a book that underlines how we don't build a career alone. It is important to know how to work with people and value teams.
- Does Iveco Group offer opportunities for women
Yes, there are many options for female colleagues. I have had the chance to participate in leadership, career development, and mentoring initiatives. I think training and opportunities to increase your knowledge are fundamental for growth and that we should be prepared for any new opportunities that may arise.
- Can you tell us a story about your personal experiences in the workplace?
I had a great experience when I participated in a mentoring programme at work. One day Carolina Bula, our Head of Legal Affairs for Latin America, called me and said: "Lorena, I will be your mentor". I went from barely knowing Carolina to her becoming my reference and guide, helping me overcome any weaknesses I had in developing my career. She pointed out strengths that I was not aware I had, taught me how to manage my time and how to work with my team. This was a great experience and a great gift from the Company. Getting advice from someone with experience, who can give you another viewpoint and help you discover your strengths, helps you a lot with your career development.
- Can women make the world a more sustainable place?
I am convinced that women play a key role in making the world more sustainable by fighting for gender equality, educating young people for a better future, collaborating on environmental actions, and raising awareness about responsible consumption of resources. I believe that we are constantly doing our bit in our daily lives to make the world more sustainable.
- What advice can you give women who want to build a career at Iveco Group?
The automotive industry is predominantly male-driven and has traditionally promoted a very “masculine” leadership model. This mindset has often penalised women and people in general who have a more inclusive approach.
Now companies are realising that it is not the only way to do business and some are ready to experiment with different, more open-minded leadership styles, seeing the benefits in their performance and innovation. It has become clear that a range of different styles is needed and is a core value.
That said, my advice is to be yourself. This may not always be easy but pretending to be someone else is not sustainable over time.
- What can we do now to prepare the world for the next generation of women?
My daughter is seven years old, and she has all the potential to make the world better and fairer. But we can’t wait for her generation, we need to act today to give them the chance to express their full potential. We need to promote what is right, now.
Society today is still full of unconscious biases, which may limit girls. We have to set conditions now that pave the way for the next generation. For example, we need more role models in managerial positions so that girls consider this industry as a potential fit for their career. Some men feel threatened by equality and by the active approach of the companies that are promoting it, but I think the shift will come about anyhow and we should act now to bring about the change faster.
- “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. Do you agree with this statement from the United Nations?
When I think of sustainability, I think of long-term mechanisms that can continue for years, adapting to changes along the way. In Ulm, we are developing a zero-emission vehicle and doing our part to create a more sustainable world from an environmental standpoint.
Social sustainability is even more delicate and can be achieved only if we have a balanced society. Gender equality is one of the most important alliances we can form, since it directly impacts 50% of the world’s population. The United Nations reports that sustainability activity is greatly affected by gender equality, and we have access to numerous studies that show how promoting equal opportunities for everyone can improve all the other social indicators. I am even more aware of this imbalance and the way women are treated now that I am raising a daughter, and I am committed to doing my part to promote what is right.
- What advice can you give women who want to build a career?
My personal experience has taught me that the most important thing is to come to terms with oneself about what we are prepared to give to an organisation, before taking a new role: managing responsibility in an organisation is not an easy thing to do. At any level. The more you go up in the ranks, the more difficult it becomes, and the support to balance work and life is often limited.
I myself wonder how I managed to raise two boys, now 16 and 19, even with the significant help of my lovely husband. It is true, however, that now times have changed: we have become used to new ways of working. Today, being present in the office has become an added value for a job relationship and is no longer a “must” for an individual or team to perform well.
And then comes resilience: this is an increasingly relevant skill. Managing the duties we have at home in our private life and a challenging professional assignment is difficult and requires resilience. I would also recommend differentiating experiences, environments, and businesses as much as possible. I’d also say that it is important to look for one or more mentors and for sponsorships. I got the most important teachings in my career from people who have mentored me, sometimes frustrating me and even giving me negative feedback, but these are the things that have helped me to learn most from my mistakes and become a better leader.
- Does Iveco Group offer opportunities for women?
I only joined Iveco Group in January 2022, after the spin-off from CNH Industrial, but from what I have seen so far, the Company seems really committed to providing opportunities to women. I have noted a strong commitment from HR and our CEO, as well as from the entire Senior Leadership Team, to ensure an inclusive environment and attention to cultural differences in professional roles, at any level of the organisation. Therefore, I do believe that there are huge opportunities for credible and competent women.
- “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” Do you agree with this statement from the United Nations?
If, as I believe, sustainability means creating trust with Company stakeholders and therefore aiming at effective governance, attention to diversity at any level, and a focus on the development of both soft skills and technical competencies, I think that women can make a difference in pursuing sustainable success. Our ability to mediate, our capability to work cross-functionally and to perform different tasks at the same moment help a lot. I also believe that we are good at managing the human side of professional relationships: an advantage that may also help to ensure that the right people are in the right place.